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Posts posted by SALEMSLOT

  1. DavidB - Were you born a sick, pathetic, fat, snout faced f*** or just graduated to it over the years!?


    Ban me or not, I don't care anymore. This whole forum has become completely hypocritical and absolutely disgusting that a perverted spam like David 'Snout Faced' B can moderate and dictate in a prejudiced and indiscriminate way and get away with it, and genuine users that use it to socialise and have a laugh (like Buff) are expelled for fighting back.


    Numerous people have left this forum or have stopped posting due to the exploits and comments made by Snout Face. I for one will count myself privileged to be among them. I may offend the odd person, but I am at least honest and true to myself and have no hidden agendas, unlike DavidB.


    A warning to all. People are not always as they seem, and DavidB certainly is not. Ask the multitude of female past and present users that have left the forum or been offended.


    Showmasters consider this - DavidB is a liability that is losing you customers and a great deal of money. Sooner or later he is going to get this site in serious trouble.


    I am reporting my own post so that YOU (Showmasters) will see it. Ban me or not, as I said, I no longer care.


    DavidB, your time is coming! Soon, very soon!


    The Lot has spoken.


    Goodbye to all if I am banned.

  2. DavidB - Were you born a sick, pathetic, fat, snout faced f*** or just graduated to it over the years!?


    Ban me or not, I don't care anymore. This whole forum has become completely hypocritical and absolutely disgusting that a perverted spam like David 'Snout Faced' B can moderate and dictate in a prejudiced and indiscriminate way and get away with it, and genuine users that use it to socialise and have a laugh (like Buff) are expelled for fighting back.


    Numerous people have left this forum or have stopped posting due to the exploits and comments made by Snout Face. I for one will count myself privileged to be among them. I may offend the odd person, but I am at least honest and true to myself and have no hidden agendas, unlike DavidB.


    A warning to all. People are not always as they seem, and DavidB certainly is not. Ask the multitude of female past and present users that have left the forum or been offended.


    Showmasters consider this - DavidB is a liability that is losing you customers and a great deal of money. Sooner or later he is going to get this site in serious trouble.


    I am reporting my own post so that YOU (Showmasters) will see it. Ban me or not, as I said, I no longer care.


    DavidB, your time is coming! Soon, very soon!


    The Lot has spoken.


    Goodbye to all if I am banned.

  3. DavidB - Were you born a sick, pathetic, fat, snout faced f*** or just graduated to it over the years!?


    Ban me or not, I don't care anymore. This whole forum has become completely hypocritical and absolutely disgusting that a perverted spam like David 'Snout Faced' B can moderate and dictate in a prejudiced and indiscriminate way and get away with it, and genuine users that use it to socialise and have a laugh (like Buff) are expelled for fighting back.


    Numerous people have left this forum or have stopped posting due to the exploits and comments made by Snout Face. I for one will count myself privileged to be among them. I may offend the odd person, but I am at least honest and true to myself and have no hidden agendas, unlike DavidB.


    A warning to all. People are not always as they seem, and DavidB certainly is not. Ask the multitude of female past and present users that have left the forum or been offended.


    Showmasters consider this - DavidB is a liability that is losing you customers and a great deal of money. Sooner or later he is going to get this site in serious trouble.


    I am reporting my own post so that YOU (Showmasters) will see it. Ban me or not, as I said, I no longer care.


    DavidB, your time is coming! Soon, very soon!


    The Lot has spoken.


    Goodbye to all if I am banned.

  4. *grabs Jola n snogs her face off*






    Merry Christmas :P

    Were you born a sick, pathetic, fat, snout faced f*** or just graduated to it over the years!


    Ban me or not, I don't care anymore. This whole forum has become completely hypocritical and absolutely disgusting that a perverted spam like David 'Snout Faced' B can moderate and dictate in a prejudiced and indiscriminate way and get away with it, and genuine users that use it to socialise and have a laugh (like Buff) are expelled for fighting back.


    Numerous people have left this forum or have stopped posting due to the exploits and comments made by Snout Face. I for one will count myself privileged to be among them. I may offend the odd person, but I am at least honest and true to myself and have no hidden agendas, unlike DavidB.


    A warning to all. People are not always as they seem, and DavidB certainly is not. Ask the multitude of female past and present users that have left the forum or been offended.


    Showmasters consider this - DavidB is a liability that is losing you customers and a great deal of money. Sooner or later he is going to get this site in serious trouble.


    I am reporting my own post so that YOU (Showmasters) will see it. Ban me or not, as I said, I no longer care.


    DavidB, your time is coming! Soon, very soon!


    The Lot has spoken.


    Goodbye to all if I am banned. :lol:

  5. BTW, not being funny but:


    I would rather pull all my teeth out, shag a tramp with a cheesy, slimey willy and set myself on fire, than spend new years eve with people I don't like.


    I will be getting drunk with my mates, having a laugh, and not being pissed off by spam's.


    Not including you guys of course. Love you all loads. Have a great new year, see you all soon. xxx

    Couldn't have put it better myself. Enjoy the night out Bex! :lol:

  6. Not been around here for ages! But looks like not a lot is happening so I havent missed much :lol:

    Hope all the chicks are well! And gearing up for a good xmas!!!

    Me too! ;):DB)

    Haha dont know how long its been on your sig but the 'Looking for a car' and 'cold coffee' thing wouldnt be in reference to anything Ive done would it!!!

    Hehe :lol: God how long ago was that????

    It is! ;):lol:


    Its been there since that event!

  7. BUMP!!!!



    Where my Vampsy????? :unsure:

    Here, there and everywhere at the moment CV. Not been around as much as I would like for one reason or another. This time of year with kids tends to be a business time.


    Anyways I'll try and catch up with you at some point. Will try for this weekend, don't know though, got to make some Xmas decorations for the kids and my work place. Eeeeeeeek I still got Xmas bloody shopping to do too, I forgot all about that LOl.



    MY VAMPSY!!!!


    You ok baby???

    Christmas sucks doesnt it!!!! Grrrrr

    I agree - Christmas sucks big time! :D

  8. Glad you liked it.   B)




    I was being sarcastic!

    And you don't think I knew that?



    Your Australian, are you not!? So don't expect you to know much at all!



    He shoots, he scores!!





    Sick of the stupid bloody comments she keeps making and the moaning to people!


    Doing a Buff and putting my foot down mate! B)

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