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Halo Son

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Posts posted by Halo Son

  1. I have had some VERY strange dreams in my life. Apparently though, Chicken makes u have strange dreams o_o;;;; I remember one of the weirdest recent ones I had was when me and some friend were searching this haunted castle with the Fellowship looking for Legolas. Me and my friends left the Fellowship for a bit then found Legolas but he was a zombie! O_O;;;;;; Very VERY strange dreams I tend to have.....





  2. A friend got me The Indian Runner for my b-day. I absolutely ADORE IT!!! Even better, you get full front and back nudity shot!!! WOOOOOO!!! I nearly fainted when I saw it! *fans self manically* Oh but the end was soooooo sad! I couldn't stop crying!




  3. If it's not too late, here's my message:



    Yoyo Andy! *gives traditional glomp greeting*


    Your work for Gollum has been superb and I congratulate and thank you for all the work you've done. I hope you have all the luck in the world for the future and wherever you go you'll always have your fans with you every step of the way!


    Take care precioussssssssssssss



    Lots of huggles,


    Emma (Halo Son)

  4. to everyone out there i have to leave in about 5 min,have to go and do some work.



    Okay, but thanks soooooo much for coming here and answering some of our questions (albeit some of them were a little crazy ;))


    Thanks for coming and see you at C4!!!!! Many huggles and good wishes!





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