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How much time is there in-between photos with the guests?

Kirsty bligh

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I have two photos booked 1 with mark pellingro & the other with Robert Englund,  ideally I'd like to wear my supernatural custom made outfit with mark for the photo, but I would like to slip to the toilet to change into my custom elm Street outfit for my photo with Robert  while waiting in the photo que, & it would probably only take 5 mins at the most,  would I have time to do this ? 

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On 6/16/2021 at 10:19 AM, Kirsty bligh said:

I have two photos booked 1 with mark pellingro & the other with Robert Englund,  ideally I'd like to wear my supernatural custom made outfit with mark for the photo, but I would like to slip to the toilet to change into my custom elm Street outfit for my photo with Robert  while waiting in the photo que, & it would probably only take 5 mins at the most,  would I have time to do this ? 

Until schedules are released, this question would be impossible to answer. Schedules are released in the week leading up to the event. 

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