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Section for the US event?


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The track thing threw me a bit. The way I understand it, they just don't have a hall big enough to fit everyone at once, so they're going to alternate which group is in the main hall with the actual actors and which is in the 'overflow' hall with the live feed monitors.


I'm guessing they'll switch every other talk? I would hope that if not everyone on a given track attends a talk they would let those in the other track have the empty seats in the main room.


I just randomly chose my track. I hope somewhere in a month or so they announce which tracks will be in which talks and I'll have chosen the wrong one.

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The track thing threw me a bit. The way I understand it, they just don't have a hall big enough to fit everyone at once, so they're going to alternate which group is in the main hall with the actual actors and which is in the 'overflow' hall with the live feed monitors.




Reading the FAQ the overflow hall is for the standard ticket holders only so if you have a package and are at the hall in time for entry you will be in the main hall. That is of course if you have Silver and above.


I have to say having had a better look I'm surprised at the price of the Standard ticket seeing as you only really get entry and have to pay for everything else on top - there's even no guarantee if Ben or Martin were to be announced that they won't be restricted for auto's again depending n how long they would be there for. I know there's no sense guessing about things like that when they haven't even been announced but I would be thinking about it if I were considering a standard ticket.


I know it must be difficult though finding a venue - any big venue's will probably already be booked for most weekends and you have to make sure that you are going to be able to get some of the cast/crew there on the dates the venue is available. So what they are left with is either too big, or too small and you have to work with it.

Edited by Raylenth
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I took another look at the faqs and it also says:


"All talks are included in your ticket and will happened depending on your chosen track - so at any one time either the Baker Street Track or the Diogenes Club Track will be all seated in the halls for their respective talks. Both tracks will get to see the same people in talks over Saturday and Sunday. No one track offers more or different guests."


So... do Baker St and Diogenes actually see different talks by the same guests? Like, if a miracle happened and Martin attenended, Baker St would see him talk at one day/time and Diogenes at another, but each in the main hall?


I'm confused. Excited. But confused.

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I think there will essentially be 2 talks by each guest or group so yes, the talks will be different because different subject will come up in each one but you will get to see the same arrangement, for the same length of time. I guess they couldn't get a big enough hall and it's to ensure everyone gets everything done.


So it may be Guest A on Saturday with the Baker ticket holders and then Guest A on Sunday with the Diogenes holders - repeat with each guest.


Does that make sense?

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