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Please get Sean Astin for LFCC next year. I met him at Glasgow and he is so friendly and I would love to meet him again.

There's no point posting this here Julie, this event has passed. There is a forum for LFCC 2017 with its own guest suggestion thread so it's best to post there.

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Don't I know it!


Ahh we are back on the crappy customers again! :smile: A topic that never gets boring!


Our latest one from work in the last week is:


Why are you disposing of our coffee cups in the sanitary waste bins you morons! Why are you finishing your coffee when you are on the loo anyway, that's disgusting!

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Gross... I've seen McDonald's bags in sanitary bins. Double gross.


My favourite one this week was the glorious question, "Do you have anything here that's good for your skin?" I feel this is the equivalent of walking into a restaurant and asking if they serve food.

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Gross... I've seen McDonald's bags in sanitary bins. Double gross.


My favourite one this week was the glorious question, "Do you have anything here that's good for your skin?" I feel this is the equivalent of walking into a restaurant and asking if they serve food.


"Actually most of our products have nitric acid in and will melt your flesh away, best not to buy any of our stuff if I'm truthful. We know it's not a good business plan to sell things that will destroy your face, but what can we say, our founder does love a bit of nitric acid"

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My "highlight" isn't so much customer as company related this week.


They cancel an offer late Thursday evening, but don't tell us till Friday, after realising that all the sales material are now wrong they tell us to throw it out! The offer is however still live and automatically appearing with nothing we can do about it!


So someone then decides that we can use it after all, like they had a choice!!

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