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How to order autographs if you can't make the show.

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So basically yes, how do I order a guests autograph from the Brighton show? Unfortunately I can't make the show for 2 reasons (Job ending and change of venue). I am absolutely gutted though because I really wanted to get the George Romero photoshoot and autograph. Obviously the photoshoot isn't an option but I'm definitely going to reserve an autograph. However I've never done this before so if anyone can tell me how I can pre order George's autograph I'll be very grateful and sort that out next payday.


Thank you very much


Jon 😀

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The pre orders will be updated soon. We've had 3 shows in 3 weeks so a little behind on that show.




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Never had such a smooth contact and trustful service with any other company!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just looked on the pre order site for Brighton as I am not too sure if we will make it down. bit disappointed that there were no John Hurt as the War Doctor pictures to pre order, as my son really wanted one for his Doctor Who collection. Is there any chance of some War Doctor pics to pre order please.

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