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Pre-sale NFCC Saturday entry sold out! Some left on the day!

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A friend I was hoping to meet at the con has just told me her husband forgot to get advanced tickets ( hes in deep trouble!) She can only attend on Sunday. As she is on crutches, she cant queue for long so doesn't think she could line up. Is there any way for disabled people to have a virtual queue ticket for day ticket buying so she wouldn't have to line up for hours? ( the husband "doesn't do queuing" apparently!)


This would be her first ever con and she is bitterly disappointed she cant go. Is there a way round it for her?


Thank you

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A friend I was hoping to meet at the con has just told me her husband forgot to get advanced tickets ( hes in deep trouble!) She can only attend on Sunday. As she is on crutches, she cant queue for long so doesn't think she could line up. Is there any way for disabled people to have a virtual queue ticket for day ticket buying so she wouldn't have to line up for hours? ( the husband "doesn't do queuing" apparently!)


This would be her first ever con and she is bitterly disappointed she cant go. Is there a way round it for her?


Thank you


Normally we're asking disabled attendees to contact Stuart before the show and discuss their needs. That's not going to work at the moment cause everyone is at the venue. The only idea have is to go to the Organisers Booth and ask them to get Stuart for you.


EDIT: I managed to get hold of Stuart. You can tell your friend to go to the Gold Pass line for entry and then please go to the Organisers Booth. Tell crew at entry this has been agreed with TooTall.

Edited by Queen_Sindel
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