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Last minute guest announcement - FINN JONES


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Chloe - I know you're frustrated with cancellations etc, but guest announcement topics are for people that are interested in the guests.


Please use the normal suggestions topics. Thank you :smile:

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can we have some NON related GOT guests please?


I would imagine there's a very high 'demand' for Game Of Thrones guests, I think it's awesome how many guests they're getting from this!

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Great News - Weirdly i've been thinking about Finn today after his brilliant re-appearence at the end of ep 9 of GOT that i watched this morning. This cheers me up a bit after the sad cancellations of Thomas, Chris & Leven from my 'to see list'! as mentioned i expect he will do the talk & have a photoshoot added to the schedule?

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As it has been said, this is a guest announcement topic. chloepop has already made a separate topic voicing her opinion some time ago. Can we keep this positive please and not turn it into a discussion what guests should be announced or how a discussion should be done? ;) Thank you for understanding.

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