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Financing the Hobby

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One area I find interesting is how people raise funds for there day (or weekend) at a Autographica. Do you work loads of over time and bank it? Have a 'small' second job? or what? For what its worth I collect scrap metal and weigh it in!


Near where I live there's been five-six skips in the nearby streets and after a five-minute chat with the 'owner's' I just raid them - may be once-twice a week. I also collect old car batteries and collect aluminium drink cans, you may laugh and say 'skip rat...' well, laff away, between last September and April this year I made £87 thank you very much, not bad from rubbish, and oooo, does that money smell nice!


Soooo, £20 for Gerry Griffin and (two autographs) £60 for Ed Gibson...


What DO YOU do?


Regards all


von Dawson's Express

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I have to do a bit of everything - overtime, dip into my savings, dip into my current account, and see what tat I can flog on ebay, to be blunt. I also collect all my spare coppers in an oversized whiskey bottle and put that into the pot - suprising how much it adds up to sometimes! But yep I have to generally generate money and save it well in advance of the shows. I spent £450 at the last show, can't really afford it but the hobby gives me pleasure and my place has signed photo's all over the walls - not to mention the experience of meeting these people in the first place

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