Moderators DavidB Posted September 15, 2009 Moderators Share Posted September 15, 2009 SEASON 5 - EPISODE 1 Sympathy For The Devil Sam, Dean, and Bobby must deal with the aftermath of the Devil's escape from Hell, and receive startling news from someone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wiccawise21 Posted September 15, 2009 Share Posted September 15, 2009 OMG!! such a great season opener. Picked up right where it left off and set up so many new things to be going on with. I know it wasnt bobby but he broke my heart when he disowned Sam. *sob* and whats with castiel?? has he jumped up the food chain? i mean he told zach what to do and puff! zach was gone. gah! so good! =x= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators DavidB Posted September 15, 2009 Author Moderators Share Posted September 15, 2009 The Bobby thing was kinda heartbreaking. I must admit I really did think it was him at the time, and I sat there thinking it was actually slightly justified. I should've known better though, as he really wouldn't just disown him like that. He's Daddy 2 after all! 'Meg' was interesting. I love the actress, and I'm really pleased she's in the show, but I'm not entirely sure of the need to bring the character back. I guess we'll see, I do quite like them returning to old characters, but only if it's for a good reason. Mark Pellegrino should be fantastic as Lucifer. He has a very sympathetic nature, which will be interesting. We already saw how manipulative Lucifer can be, and so the transformation from now on should be pretty gripping. Of course, the most tragic thing about it all is the breakdown in the relationship between Sam and Dean. Understandable, but very tragic. No doubt they'll get back to a happy place eventually, but it's sad to see them like that. Castiel is just awesome. Not much you can say other than that I just love the writers on this show. The ability to perfectly balance comedy with tragedy is such a skill, and it's a credit to them and the actors that they can make me laugh and feel so sad in the space of 42 minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wiccawise21 Posted September 15, 2009 Share Posted September 15, 2009 OMG!! thats perfectly described! I love the way i can be laughing one minute and then so sad the next and even sort of guilty that i was laughing in the first place. Such an emotional rollarcoaster. I think the most amazing this about this show really is the relationship between Sam and Dean. I dont think i have ever squeed so much as when they both grabbed hold of each others jackets at the end of seaosn 4. After all their arguments and everything that tore them apart that season it really felt as though they were going to be ok. but what dean said to sam and the end of this episode... *cries* i hope you are right david. they have to get back on track. i hate it when they fight. there is someone we forgot to mention.... Becky! what did we think to her?? "Um... Becky. Can you stop touching me?" "No!" oh dear. =x= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tourniquet Posted September 15, 2009 Share Posted September 15, 2009 Loved most of the episode. Me and my friend watched it with big speakers and a ginat bowl of doritos Becky was awesome! I love Emily Perkins so it was great to see her Like you guys have said, 'Bobby' disowning Sam broke my heart, Sam and his puppy dog eyes and then leaving to go read somewhere else Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelsbells64 Posted September 15, 2009 Share Posted September 15, 2009 Loving the supernatural board Hmm where to start I guess I will begind with the breakdown of the family bond in the brothers. At times I felt like you know what sam you deserve this, you started the end of the frakin world, deal with the anger people will have towards you. Then when we look back over the previous seasons why be so hard on poor sammy. The brothers together were resonsible for opening up the gates of hell. Without Dean breaking the first seal there would be no end of the world lilith seal for sam to break so as with the gates of hell the brother did this together. Dean opened them the dorr a little and sam burst the door from its hinges. What was important was not that sam brought forth lucifer it was the damage to the family bond. When dean admitted he was responsible for the first seal and that he tortured people so he would not be tortured himself - well sam forgave him, there was no am having a hard time getting over the fact you toirtured people dean. It was a case of I love you and know you did what you thought you had to. NO judgements there. Yet when sam did this, dean was being judgemental and it doesnt come from the fact sam brought the devil home. This comes from the fact that dean died to save sam and his dying wish as Sam reminded us in Lazureus Rising was for him not to mess with the demon stuff. NOt only did he go all out with ruby on the demon stuff he lied to Dean about it for the majority of season 4. So I think Dean has every right to be pissed off when Sam turned to demons and became closer to one than he was human. They have risked their lives since they were boys. Lost their mother, father and loves ones to demons and Sam craved it more than what his family stood for. I can understand why each brother feels the way they do but its so hard watching Dean turn away from Sam. Lucifer. Hmm is this angel misunderstood? Then why the horrible visions of the bleeding cot and such. Thise were surely signs of an evil being. I cant wait to see what route Lucifer is going to take but after the am an honest angel speech and seeing the angels who are supposed to fight on the side of God. Am thinking Lucifer was the lesser of the two evils. God Zach was evil in this episode. Lets see how sam does without his lungs? Funniest line ever in supernatural has to be dean refusing to be an angel condom. Do you think his refusal to be the vessel to the angel who could stop lucifer was selfish? or justifed. To be honest i was thinking selfish, less people will die if lucifer is stopped now BUT then we have castiel who seems to be the right hand of God's wishes or how else did he live? Who save the boys. A scary thought ran through my mind that perhaps its not castiel in poor old jimmi's body now but ach be so scared of him, or is it merely because zach is not folloiwng his fathers real commandments anymore and fears the punishment that lucifer was given. Poor Bobby, he cant be without his legs. I would miss him way too much. I love daddy bobby more thanm daddy john. When boobu disowned Sam i thought hmm is he that angry? then i though oooh plot twist for bobby to work with sam to resolve this. Then the demon. Grr why doesnt bobby have the no demons in me tattoo that the winchester brothers have. I love the invisible to angels brand castiel put on the ribs of the boys. sounds might ouchie though. How will castiel find them now? The super fan. I adored these scenes. Another laugh at the wincest fans and those who write their won fan fiction. I loved how she favoured sam over dean when in reality Jensen is the favoured actor on the show. For very good reasons the man is like an adonis. I loved that injection of pure humour in the mist of what was a very serious episode Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wiccawise21 Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 wow! some brilliant points there. The whole brother dynamic is what makes this show for me so even though i hate to see them fight it makes for some bloody god TV. I loved the whole symmetry thing with dean breaking the first seal and sam breaking the last. But i hadnt really thought about easily sam moved passed all that. so why cant dean?? i guess sams crime was more about going against dean where as deans crime had nothing to do with his relationship to his brother. Still.. i am very much looking forward to seeing them get back to normal again. And they will damn it! i have had a few chats about castiel not really being castiel in jimmy's body. He seemed WAY to powerful. zach just obeyed him without question and he was supposed to be castiels boss. which leads me to believe thats not castiel anymore. either that or he has had a major promotion. which i thought was unlikely becasue he disobeyed! and we no that is a major boo boo. hmmm. i dont know. I cant wait for the next episode though. i want it now!! =x= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonsanddaffodils Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 I felt for that poor guy visited by Lucifer. The baby monitor was a horrific touch Thoroughly awesome episode, daren't start cos I wouldn't stop! And yes the "Angel condom" line nearly became my facebook status lastnight, but managed to stop myself just in time (too many nieces, nephews and Mother! on facebook) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kelsbells64 Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 wow! some brilliant points there. The whole brother dynamic is what makes this show for me so even though i hate to see them fight it makes for some bloody god TV. I loved the whole symmetry thing with dean breaking the first seal and sam breaking the last. But i hadnt really thought about easily sam moved passed all that. so why cant dean?? i guess sams crime was more about going against dean where as deans crime had nothing to do with his relationship to his brother. Still.. i am very much looking forward to seeing them get back to normal again. And they will damn it! i have had a few chats about castiel not really being castiel in jimmy's body. He seemed WAY to powerful. zach just obeyed him without question and he was supposed to be castiels boss. which leads me to believe thats not castiel anymore. either that or he has had a major promotion. which i thought was unlikely becasue he disobeyed! and we no that is a major boo boo. hmmm. i dont know. I cant wait for the next episode though. i want it now!! =x= I think Castiel did not disobey God but Zach. The angels seem to be working solo, as Zach said to Dean god has left the building but what happened to castiel proves that God has not left and what i think made Zach scared was if god had not left the building how pissed is he at zach. Also if God saved Castiel that means it would be dangerous for zach to attack or mess with him so i think Zach has gone to reassess his plans. I think the fact dean died for sam and he just was like pfft i dont care am doing the demon stuff. Its a slap in the face. I would like to see Dean evolve the way the writers made buffy evolve. When she admitted to Giles she would let dawn die if she could make that decision again. I think Dean and Sam need to take a heard look at this demon blood angle. I think Dean needs to stop sacrificing himself for Sam and concentrate on being a hunter. Killing every demon he can to help castiel. Sam needs to remember he is a hunter and the demons he hunts. His father, mother and brother all died protecting people from demons. His parents died to stop sam becoming a demon and would be turning in their graves they died for nothing. As the yellow eyed demon almost got what he wanted with sam killing lilith and going all black eyed demon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wiccawise21 Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 the angel condom line was awesome. But i loved the other one dean said to zach too. "Cram it with walnuts, ugly!" that DID become my facebook status. lol =x= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bl00djunkie Posted September 16, 2009 Share Posted September 16, 2009 was a great start to the season cant wait for more!! emily was fab!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pez Posted September 17, 2009 Share Posted September 17, 2009 (edited) anyone who follows me on twitter kind of gets a comentry on my watching of episodes and they have had to put up with me comenting on the last 4 seasons in the last few weeks. but as an opener that really didn't disapoint, although i was a bit vocal at dean with the whole disowning of sam thing. the whole becky thing made me lol so much i had to stop watching. it stared a whole you sam fans are weird debate on facebook and twitter... i disagree eccentric but not weird.... Cas owned the episode though. still rocking the flasher mac though... and bobby! he needs a hug... Edited September 17, 2009 by pez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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