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Which PB star will Yvie molest first?


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I'm afraid you have nothing business-wise to do with my client Yvie, they are my photos and therefore it is up to Yvie and myself to decide about charges etc. You cannot just force your way into this. You'll be hearing from our lawyer.

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I'm afraid you have nothing business-wise to do with my client Yvie, they are my photos and therefore it is up to Yvie and myself to decide about charges etc. You cannot just force your way into this. You'll be hearing from our lawyer.


Thats fine, if you could get that to me ASAP as my Laywer is already looking into this..


Btw, for reference I have Samantha Usher, she is my laywer, and I have a very reliable legal team.

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You two have got too much time on your hands :huh:


In any case Alx, you're to have nothing to do with any bizarre business that Deebee may or may not be handling for or concerning me. You've got a worse history than Titanic when it comes to going under :D:lol:

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Why does anyone have to be molested?? Can't they just be straight up sexually abused with spoons and jelly involved?? Answers on a postcard please :huh:

I have absolutely no problem with that change of plan!!


Though it should be said that with a PB hottie and jelly, I'll have no need for spoons :D

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