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Before the Ball


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This story is based on characters and situations owned by the original author/writers, publishers and distributors. No copyright infringement is intended or to be infered.



I flicked the snow out of my hair, kicked my shoes off and fell down onto my bed. I had a lot of work to do, but it was going to be so hard. Give me a Potions essay any day.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t excited about the Ball – I was. I mean, it’s not every day you get to go to a Ball. And I was going with Viktor Krum. I still couldn’t believe that he’d asked me. But, unlike most of the other girls in the school, I hadn’t fantasised about dancing with him, sitting with him, talking to him. All of my daydreams since had involved being left on my own, because he’d found somebody better. As happy as I was to go with him, he wasn’t who I really wanted to be there with.

I should have known he wouldn’t ask me. I wasn’t going to ask him; that was for sure. I suppose that’s why I said yes to Viktor. I’d given up hope.

But then he did ask me. I felt so awful saying no. But, much as I loved him, I’d already said yes to Viktor. So I pretended to be angry, but later I’d gone up to my room and cried.

I got up off the bed and went to the dormitory window, looking for him. At first, I couldn’t see him. I saw the twins, undistinguishable from each other at this distance. And Harry, laughing as one of the twins was hit by the other’s snowball.

Then…there. Ron. Fool that he was, it made my heart ache to see him knocked over by a snowball. If only he’d asked me sooner, then I’d have been making myself beautiful for him, instead of some foreign Quidditch player.

But, I thought, at least Ron would get to see me. So I moved away from the window, and stared to do my hair.

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Sorry hate the character lol - nicely written though all the same




Thanks...I think.



Take it that way lol It'll be crushing if you don't and totally not the way it was meant lol

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