Latest Guest Announcement - Clark Gregg
Appearing: Saturday & Sunday
Autograph: £65
Photo Shoot: £65
Talk (Sunday only): £20
Green Screen shoot - Agents of Shield Logo £75 - Sat only
Green Screen Shoot - Project TAHITI beach £75 - Sun only
1 X Standard Autograph
1 x Standard Photo Shoot
1 X talk (Sunday only)
1 x Gift
£165 - Saturday
£185 - Sunday (inc Talk)
Book tickets now
Phil Coulson / Sarge - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Agent Coulson - Captain Marvel
Agent Phil Coulson - Avengers Assemble
Agent Coulson - Thor
Agent Coulson - Iron Man 2
Agent Coulson - Iron Man
Vance- 500 Days of Summer
FBI Special Agent Michael Casper - The West Wing