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  1. .. w/ a planned 12 guests in attendance I would imagine a Gold ticket will cover everyone there (assuming all show up) If the Event sells out looks as though there will be more guests added - their 'graphs will be free, on top of what has already been aquired .. Great Deal all around!
  2. Fantastic! Is there a link for the ticket purchase? (didn't see it above)
  3. I'll second the Q for an update on L.Schofield's appearance day(s)
  4. I am looking forward to hearing what has been recorded Jason .. Hopefully as many of the Cast & Crew that were interested in being part of this ... Can you give us a list of those that have been recorded / Interviewed?
  5. Fantastic! (fingers crossed & twisted for no cancellation) If he attends - What a line-up
  6. Thats what I ask also for! Of course the day he will attend would be interesting! Hope it will be added! I would also like to know the info on Zac Cohen ... Day(s) Appearing & Cost for sig. ????
  7. Looking for days & a price for Barbara Frankland? (any other 'Star Wars' signers?)
  8. If you are referring to the 'Star Wars' Original Trilogy - Nick Gillard was not involved No, he wasn't involved in the 'Star Wars' Original Trilogy, that would have been Peter Diamond (R.I.P), Dave Prowse didn't have a sword-master double for the filming of 'ANH', Bob Anderson would have been Dave Prowse sword-master double in the subsequent films
  9. This was asked before, didn't see a reply Can you state the prices for 'SW' Guests - MAROLYN TURK & SYD WRAGG?
  10. Hey tree, collect (and have signed) what ever you like the best You don't necessarily have to have signatures featured on all of one type, be it cards, photos, figures Etc. I have auto's on cards, photos, books/magazines and finally photo-pieces that I photoshop myself from existing images they are then arranged for display in a portfolio You may not be able to find images of all of the characters you want in one card set Like you I favour the OT (but am not limited to) I live in Canada, so am not sure about what is available in the UK In the U.S you could check out Official Pix for quality photos - http://www.officialpix.com/ or http://www.wattographs.com/ If you have a creative side (and a bit of technology available), you may want to try your hand at composing your own images (from existing ones) I'm working on a 11x17 Anakin-to-Vader piece right now. Another example I have is the Leia card from Decipher's free Jedi Pack (an 11 card common pk.issued Oct '96) I felt it to be a perfect image (that I liked) and to boot - There was a blank square at the bottom which was crying out - Sign Here! http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/8035/cfccghk8.jpg Simply do what fits each situation that you like
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