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About Icena

  • Birthday 05/27/1995

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    London, UK

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  1. Quick q: is Andrew Robinson still coming to the event next month? Thanks!
  2. In case anyone missed the website announcement:
  3. Thanks to everyone for giving their opinions/updates, guess we'll just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed for no plexiglass--I feel like if we're at the stage where we need that, we shouldn't be having the con at all. Just a personal opinion though, I'm sure others would disagree, and the guests have the right to feel safe after all.
  4. I don't think they have announced it yet, waiting to hear about this too Wondering about plexiglass/masks in photo ops...
  5. YESSSS thank you SM, have been asking for him to attend for years!
  6. Here's my experiences: Billy Dee Williams: I wasn't expecting much from him as he's 82(!) and I met him late today, around 4 PM. By that time, I was fairly exhausted, so I can't imagine how he must have been feeling! But he was polite and smiling, and looked up during the signing and wished me a good day, so that was sweet of him. Lourdes Faberes: She was so sweet! We talked for a while about Good Omens, and she let me take some extra photographs with me, too! She also informed me of all of the other Good Omens guests who were there, just in case I'd missed any. Jamie Hill: Met him today and we talked for ages about Good Omens and his role in it, as well as Doctor Who and some other things. Very kind guest--would definitely recommend chatting to if you like Good Omens/Dr Who, he's very happy to chat and is super sweet :) As always, comics people were fantastic, with some highlights being Ian Richardson and Mark Buckingham. Was great to see some independent artists in attendance too--would love more of these next year! I got a few commissions and would have got more if time had permitted! Overall I had a lot of fun and all of the SM staff were very helpful :D
  7. Amazing!!! Can we please please get more video game voice actor guests???
  8. Lol true! Bless him, I must imagine it's pretty exhausting for them. But still, one can dream, haha.
  9. Now that Sean Bean's done some US cons/signings, I can be a bit more optimistic when asking for him to attend
  10. Few more suggestions: -Richard Armitage -Chiwetel Ejiofor -Billy Dee Williams -Steve Blum
  11. Some people I'd love as always: -Pedro Pascal (still have my photo ticket from when he cancelled in 2014 lol) -Miranda Otto (Lord of the Rings, War of the Worlds) -David Wenham (LoTR--he was lovely when I met him a few years back!) -Daisy Ridley (Star Wars, obvs) -Robin Atkin Downes (Team Fortress 2, Metal Gear) -John Patrick Lowrie (Team Fortress 2, DOTA 2) -Ellen McLain (Portal, Pacific Rim)
  12. I know I've posted this elsewhere, but just wanted to echo how kind Mads was!
  13. Yes, the layout was amazing! Honestly after last year's lack of space, I was honestly considering not coming, but this year's layout was fantastic!!! Lots of free space but it didn't feel at all empty.
  14. Here ya go, have the Instagram'd version of my Mads photo lmao:
  15. No, because there is nothing to refund as Raylenth says. In the old store there was a postage fee (which under those circumstances would of course have been refunded), but the only thing that was charged now is the 1 pound fee which is due in any case. Cool, thanks for your quick response!
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