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  1. KarenRoss - I ordered our pics from a supermarket photo site that has half price prints til today.
  2. Hey I followed Miss_G's advice about the high res pics and picked the ones I like of all the guests but couldn't find one I wanted of 'Charlie'. Has anyone found any high res pics of this character?
  3. ... that you can go on that lets you know about small signings such as book signings? I dont mean large events like Showmasters as I only go to theirs, I just mean one off things.
  4. He is going to be in a horror movie from what I read...
  5. Second that!! Save loads of much travelling for us!
  6. I think that this could be to do with the empty space on the Massive Events site, which means it may be an event for something specific, so if you are lucky maybe you won't like it!
  7. I'm not sure if she is exactly what I expected, but fingers crossed she will be ok. bbc news on lavender brown
  8. I'm not going to GMex, but I really want to know if it goes through and they announce somebody!
  9. She does say how close him and Grindelwald were, but it just wasn't overt I guess! It's such a tragic story. Having to defeat the one you love...
  10. Are the Matthew Armstrong photo tickets only available during the event? I keep checking the store but nothing has appeared yet.
  11. Currys. Never again though! Thank you so much for your help TooTall and nicky, it really is appreciated. I will ask around to see if anyone has a disc I can borrow.
  12. Thanks guys. Its a new Samsung TV and home cinema. I found the specs on the net but wasn't entirely sure what it meant... Samsung Should I just try a US DVD?
  13. Thank you! I thought that was what it meant but wanted to be 100% sure!
  14. What does this - NTSC <--> PAL YES - mean on my DVD player specs? I have a vague idea but any help would be great please!
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