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Everything posted by BBLuv

  1. Billy wasn´t attend at the C7. He was just at the C3 and C6 I had few chances zu meet him (inclusive Ring*Con last year). I hope he´ll come back for C8!!
  2. I have an asian chipmunk, calls Pippin With his head in the box to hide a haselnut Pippin outside in his cage Always hungry
  3. This pic is from yesterday
  4. Our new chance to get the twins to the C8!! Twins for C8!
  5. OK I started an own topic in the lfcc3 thread.
  6. Ok, thats our big chance to get the two hottest Harry Potter boys to the lfcc3!! Please vote for James and Oliver!
  7. yes, thats an april fool. Every HP Sites makes any kind of this jokes.
  8. Thats a good idea Kirsty. We start a new topic in lfcc3
  9. pics from "An Audience with Al Murray"
  10. to every Collectormania? I hope I can collect enough money for it J&O for C8 please
  11. Ok I see, we don´t have a chance to get the boys for C7, but maybe C8? We want the Twins for C8!!
  12. Oh yes, that was funny and I must say, I didn´t understand it by the way: The german version for collectormania: "Kleptomanie?" "Collectormania, a singing event..."
  13. Happy Birthday James and Oliver!!
  14. Happy Birthday James and Oliver!!!
  15. The pic was taken on last sunday. It was on the "An Audience with Al Murray" Event. I think James is taller than Oliver
  16. No, the bafta are on 12. febuary. Is anyone going to the baftas, please make pics This pics are from "An Audience with Al Murray" on last sunday
  17. I have more Screencaps from Oliver here
  18. I laughed so much that its hurt....I´m Chrissy Weasley btw...I forgot that I use it in the german Forum....*gggg* I´m getting old...
  19. looooool Thats me. I´m Chrissy. But you are good in finding pics *ggggg* Yeah I´m german as well.
  20. Aha...someone use my sig....I can´t believe it...can I have the link please?
  21. Wow thats my sig Where did you get this?
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