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Everything posted by TheAngelicOne

  1. I'll get back to you on that one Ruth. Just going to check to see if I actually have my single room that I booked. Did it through email but just want to make sure.
  2. I had a fantastic time! Can't wait until the next one
  3. I do kinda want to dress up for a party theme for one night instead of cosplaying for all the parties but since it looks like its going to be last minute, I don't think i'll be able to afford it
  4. Yay!! At least my Bellatrix costume will fit a theme! Just hope that its sent out soon. Slight panic but apparently its being finished this week.
  5. Getting really excited now! Watching my boxsets of Supernatural to get in the mood for it. On Season 2 at the moment
  6. What? Not even with Kai? I'm only teasing lol. Mum seems to think i'm collecting Kai Owen stuff since she was looking through my folders and he seems to have taken over my auto / photo folders lol.
  7. I want my payday now then I can get my Silver ticket.
  8. I'm in. Haven't been to Nando's for AGES.
  9. Can't get my ticket yet until after Christmas. But if I get the job that i've been to an interview for today then i'm going to gold it.
  10. Now i'm glad I changed my mind and cancelled the hotel I was in to get a single room at Park Inn. Yay!!
  11. I was nosing through the Bitten brochure over the weekend and where they've advertised Roadhouse, it has the four guests and "Further Guests To Be Announced" underneath. So it sounds promising. I need to recheck it but i'm sure that's what I read.
  12. *cough* Drunkard *cough* Got a couple of things from the Dealers room. Mug and pen for me and a Merlottes glass for my neighbour's birthday present. Ha ha. If someone is offering, how could I turn it down??? True. I'll let you off then.
  13. *cough* Drunkard *cough* Got a couple of things from the Dealers room. Mug and pen for me and a Merlottes glass for my neighbour's birthday present.
  14. TheAngelicOne


    All ready. Just blasting Bad Things on the laptop lol.
  15. Yeah same here, I collect mugs and keyrings. Yes i'm sad Oi, are you stalking my posts! lol Yes, its fun lol. Nah, just jumped on since I can't lie in when I can lie in. Leaving at 11.30am so bored lol.
  16. TheAngelicOne


    I'll see you at the train station
  17. Yeah same here, I collect mugs and keyrings. Yes i'm sad
  18. Cool! Watch mine arrive whilst I'm at Bitten lol.
  19. Yay! Must pack tomorrow. Though I'll have the fun and games of coaxing the cat out of my suitcase again.
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