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Everything posted by Big_Pants

  1. Ooh great another Penny Dreadful guest! Although maybe not great because I'm skint...
  2. Any Hobbit fans lucky enough to have won tickets to the event in London tonight do make the effort and attend in costume, I've heard that there will be some fabulous prizes! http://www.thisisfak...t-for-november/
  3. Ahhhhhh! My buddy Drogo! Top man, chuffed to see him back. Hopefully he can actually walk this time....
  4. Gutted She tweeted earlier that she's injured herself pretty seriously today so this may have something to do with it. Either way I do hope that she's better soon.
  5. Did you get a confirmation? If so send it back to Andrew not Mara. His email is on the confirmation. Maybe that could be why it's not working. Worth a shot!
  6. Review of the first ep http://www.thisisfakediy.co.uk/articles/television/red-dwarf-x/
  7. All of this please. Kate and Michael came to London Film and Comic Con. Michael was an absolute hoot, lovely guy.
  8. I think everyone that knows me will be unsurprised to find that I wholeheartedly approve of this announcement. He owes me big time after I kept a certain piece of casting information quiet for MONTHS
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