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Everything posted by theoden_of_rohan

  1. The question is simple really (or at least it should be)...which team do you belong in? Do you pledge allegiance to the Cullens; cold, beautifully pale and mysterious? Or are you pulled to the shores of La Push, and the comforting warmth and excitement of the Quileute tribe? Or perhaps you're simply torn between the two ~ you love both Edward Cullen and Jacob Black and refuse to make such a difficult decision. If in doubt, stay neutral ('Switzerland') and run with both packs!
  2. Season 4 is definitely my favourite, probably followed by the first. Season 3 I loved too though, as I believe it had some of the best overall moments (and lots of Juliet and Ben...eeeeeee!). Season 2 was my least favourite, but I'm glad I stuck with it
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH! Oooh, that pic of Jackson Have a good one!
  4. Late in the game this time, but I'm in now! (Galvin FC btw)
  5. Good one! I found him particularly scary in Nil By Mouth...very powerful film!
  6. I have no idea who will win this year - it's pretty hard to predict. Personally I want Sara to win, but I'm past caring really. I think it's too long now. They should go back to when the series was much shorter!
  7. You'll be in the cult soon Davey. Research my a*@!
  8. Been begging for Catherine for years now. Would love to meet her...would love to meet ANY of them!
  9. There is also a review of the book (4* in case you wondering) later on in the magazine!
  10. I'm definitely getting the Cullen Baseball tee when I've got some spare cash
  11. Same here ~ she was lovely! I got a Blade Runner pic signed, but woud like to meet her again to get one my Six Feet Under boxsets signed (which is what I predominantly met her for anyway)! Love her
  12. Ooh, I haven't introduced myself either lol. Ok, so I'm Lee and I'll be 26 for Eternal Twilight, woop woop (hmmm...)! I'll be travelling from deepest darkest Devon (oooh arrrr), so no taking the p!ss out of my farmer accent, lol. I've been going to SM events since c5, so know a lot of you anyway ~ but this will be my first proper hotel convention. As with Becky (Shirefruit), it was Tara (Gandalfia) who got me hooked on the books (I still have them...eek!). I'm now slightly Cullen obsessed...although Jasper is my current vampire of choice Anyway, see y'all there!
  13. LOL, deal. I'll make sure my hair is particularly wild for that occasion
  14. You need to come as Edward, I know you have the hair for it! Hahaha, that's true!
  15. I read about this earlier. Annoying!
  16. I love all the Edwardian costumes...looks like something from Titanic
  17. Haha, yeah...Victorian America doesn't really have the same ring to it!
  18. Oh, and Sarah Clarke...even though she's not on the list!
  19. August is Bella/Jake/Charlie & Billy. I just edited my post, cos I just saw the pic. BORING. I want Cullen's damnit! I'm happy with my October one. OCTOBER FTW!
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