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Posts posted by Chris1970

  1. The celebrations are over for this time, people have come and gone. Alot of cake, some food and I think 4 or 5 cups of tea. Warm well wishings on phone, social media and Skype. Gifts I never could have guessed, trips, gift cards, sky globe, antique candle holders and more. Now I will relax infront of the computer, or maybe watch a movie. Wont be able to sleep until late.

    By mail, from a dear dear friend, I received two wonderful gifts. Since a number of years back I collect memories from an era a long long time ago. A little hobby. I collect fossils. These things are really hard to get over here, main source is the US but it can be very very expensive. I got two fossils as a 50th birthday gift, a bone shard of a T. Rex and a shard of the frill bone of a Triceratops. These will crown my collection.

    Last I would like to thank you all for the warm wishes on my day. There is a life after 50 and I am more alive than ever. I hope I get to meet some of you next weekend at Olympia. ^_^


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