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Everything posted by Chris1970

  1. Thank you! I did. A bunch of gift cards. A summer cruise in Stockholm archipelago. Plus a very a few nice surprises in the mail from overseas, will photo them later. Getting visitors in about 3 hours so.. maybe more.
  2. Well, this is why you are my fav bear!
  3. Just what I need today, thank you for putting a smile on me.
  4. You will be there soon too Dont worry, I got soft and well oiled hips.
  5. Wasnt the 50’s the era which was glam and cool? Anyway I guess I will thank you for remembering and this day ... we just have to see what will happen.
  6. And it is scheduled to be sheduled when the schedule is scheduled to be scheduled for us to schedule the weekend.
  7. Not going to arrive on my doorstep so it comes online when it comes online.
  8. Naah, this time (8:30am) in two weeks you will be tired, cursing the rain and queing to get in.
  9. Apples are good, apples are nice.
  10. You mean Sl..station.. There are so many words (names) you can suggest. Try surnames like "Pitt" or first names like "Pippa" and translate them From Swedish to English. On your own risk. The main shopping street in Sydney is Pitt Street, I had alot of fun with that translating for aussies. By the way.. the word "Sl.." can be used in different ways, and adding station to it is "family friendly" .. if you see it like that. There are rougher combination if you mix swedish and english.
  11. If he had planned his laundry until the 24th maybe.. Not my fault.
  12. Think about that one... I give you one week.
  13. I can actually feel that pain in the neck.
  14. Dunno how you pole dance but I bet Nate and can do it with passion and flow.
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