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Everything posted by Kurdamoni

  1. Kurdamoni

    This or That

    To be! Star Wars prequels or sequels?
  2. Kurdamoni

    Last Post Wins?

    So how does one win again?
  3. Just a set up probably yeah, first the Winter edition.
  4. Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Sean Bean Robert Carlyle Jonathan Pryce Eva Green Naomi Harris Ben Wishaw Andrew Scott Michelle Yeoh Halle Berry Denise Richards Michael Kitchen
  5. I'll start! Timothy Dalton Pierce Brosnan Sean Bean Robert Carlyle Jonathan Pryce Eva Green Naomi Harris Ben Wishaw Andrew Scott Michelle Yeoh Halle Berry Denise Richards Michael Kitchen
  6. Ok let's start the ball rolling!! I've really missed these chats on here so why not bring some enthusiasm back? I really hope to attend another SM event soon, so why not this one? Providing some James Bond guests will be announced.
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