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Everything posted by Cliffmas

  1. Iwan rehon GOT Erin Richards who plays barbera Gordon in Gotham local girl too
  2. Met Michael today what a cool guy. Our favourite guest of the weekend
  3. Great guest 😄😄 Any chance of adding Lennie James to the guest list ?
  4. I have to say that I found a lot of the blue shirts were miss informed about gold passes on the Friday. I had to argue the fact that I'd paid extra to Que jump and was told first come first served and found this very frustrating . On the Saturday and Sunday no problems gold pass worked like a dream . Thank you show masters for a great weekend
  5. I have to say that I found a lot of the blue shirts were miss informed about gold passes on the Friday. I had to argue the fact that I'd paid extra to Que jump and was told first come first served and found this very frustrating . On the Saturday and Sunday no problems gold pass worked like a dream . Thank you show masters for a great weekend
  6. I have to say that I found a lot of the blue shirts were miss informed about gold passes on the Friday. I had to argue the fact that I'd paid extra to Que jump and was told first come first served and found this very frustrating . On the Saturday and Sunday no problems gold pass worked like a dream . Thank you show masters for a great weekend
  7. There should be a lot of game of thrones actors available after the red wedding
  8. I'll be getting my biker scout helmet signed for sure .great guest
  9. Fantastic day met David Warner all starwars cast and john Rhys Davies. Anyone know who won cosplay masquerade?
  10. That makes sense it's just Glasgow is the only event I'm not going to so....
  11. Will femi be in the jabba reunion photo shoot? that would be cool
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