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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. the sea. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!"
  2. I told you I don't want to play this game with you any more. As fun as it was the first 17 times.
  3. It was just a cardboard wallety thing (not guest specific) to slip the photo into. You didn't miss out on anything valuable.
  4. I was going to get my photoshoot signed but didn't. I kind of chickened out because I'm dumb.
  5. Waaaah, but not every single aspect of this huge three day show were completely up to the standards I deserve and I must tell everybody exactly what I think about everything and complaining is fun.
  6. The goody bag and vouchers are just extras. A little bonus for purchasing the gold pass. They could get rid of them and reduce the GP price accordingly, but the price would come down by approximately £0.00.
  7. Oooh, so many questions. Do you ride them? Do you milk them? Do you eat them? Are they lime green?
  8. Commerce. And because idiots will buy anything. I have a lime green one called Gary.
  9. (QS, sorry, I know you locked the thread, but I felt the need to get my reply in and I seem to think I'm special. Feel free to lock/delete/ban/spank.) Popular guests can only get through a finite amount of autographs in one day, hence the VQ system. If you give your unused VQ away to someone, whilst you are indeed enabling that person to get an autograph, you are also stopping somebody else getting one. That's your 'equal and opposite reaction'. One person's loss is equal to the other person's gain. It's a zero-sum game.
  10. Yay! I'd like to place a pre-order for a case of 12 Wrong'un dolls (they will be wipe clean, right?)
  11. Thanks for your suggestions, I'll be sure to take them into consideration for next year.
  12. Thanks!/Oi!* (*Delete as applicable)
  13. Great for the people standing at the back of the crowd, not so good for the people already standing in the queue and being deafened.
  14. You can tell. You look so delighted in the other ones - this one is more 'oh my goodness, it's actually him, he's touching me, aaaaaaaaaah, how does smiling work?"
  15. JRD: "Hello, how are you?" Me: "I'm perfect." JRD: "Your mother said the same."
  16. I see your spiritual concept of karma and counter with a scientific one: Newton's Third Law.
  17. How d'you get your eyes to match your hair?
  18. Yup, yup, just gonna read that first paragraph right now.
  19. A lot of people's favourite moment of the convention is coming on afterwards and pointing out every little thing they can think of that isn't up to their standards.
  20. A slice of Cumbercake and a Hannibakewell Tart please.
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