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Everything posted by natedammit

  1. May I offer a simple solution? Scottish people should start using proper English money instead of trying to be difficult.
  2. Are you sure you didn't accidentally buy all of them?
  3. Are posters not your thang? Like this one: https://www.redbubble.com/people/muskitt/works/22230392-tombstone-thats-just-my-game?carousel_pos=2&p=poster&ref=work_carousel_work_recommendation&ref_id=22334295
  4. Matt was the pretty one. Luke was the hunk. Craig was the other one.
  5. It's fine, Ray can block it with his double-ended lightsaber. Like 'woosh, woosh, woosh, perching, perching, perching, woosh, woosh, perching". Kinda like that.
  6. They're probably just scared by his face.
  7. TV ratings are made up anyway. They go on about the World Cup being watched by 4 billion people - yeah right.
  8. "Oh waiter, what sauces do you offer with your steaks?" "Well sir, we have mustard, concrete and Duchovny sweat."
  9. The look on her face. "Yup, this is how I deserve to be treated. Carry me and do my bidding man-peasants." She would make a good Sith Lord, like for example... DarthMaulbackontopicyay
  10. Hmm. Is ketchup a sauce though? We may refer to it as 'tomato sauce', but surely a sauce is used more liberally than ketchup which is more of a liquid for dipping things into. You wouldn't describe mustard as a sauce would you? It is a tricky one though. It seems like a case for... MulderandScullybackontopicyay.
  11. But, theoretically at least, it's a zero sum game, so if one person (you) benefits then one person (crying child) loses out.
  12. So it's not true that if you buy a Diamond Pass it entitles you to use the softer toilet paper? There's no bigger luxury that that.
  13. Then she should have put it in the bin.
  14. I hope every time you look at that auto, you see the face of the crying child who wasn't able to get an auto because you jumped the line.
  15. You definitely should. It made me cry.
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