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Everything posted by iwficon

  1. Excuse my ignorance, but how does a diamond pass work? I can see it's "numbered" so you get called up for your photo? Is there one photo slot or do you choose from a couple? Also with the autograph are you just able to "skip" the normal queue whenever you want to get it? Would be coming from the North West so trying to align all my travel plans etc!
  2. I've also had a reply saying the payment will be made back to me soon.
  3. Did Joni make it to the show? I only ask because she's missing from the pre-order package I got today. Don't know whether it's a refund job or it just wasn't packaged up with the others.
  4. I'm awaiting a refund on two items as well but I've also had my other pre-orders through today and one is missing. What's the best way to tackle this one? Cheers, Matt.
  5. I was hoping for third time lucky... alas no.
  6. Hi, just wondering when the facility for pre-order autographs will be up? Cheers.
  7. I had a pre order for Belle Avery personalised auto. Rather than a refund is there a way to swap it for Glyn Baker instead? Order was made 10 Mar 2014 | Transaction ID: 0LN34679209060359 . It'd be a Bond photo dedicated "to Matthew". Should I email someone?
  8. Just want to say thanks for the pre-order service. Once again its fantastic, with great pictures chosen etc. Much appreciated. Matt.
  9. Hi, I'd like a refund for the Belle Avery pre-order autograph that was part of my order. What's the process? Thanks, Matthew.
  10. Hi, what do I need to do if I prefer a refund for this autograph from my pre-orders? Thanks.
  11. Hi there. Can't make the show, so will she be added to the pre-orders list like the other Bond guests? Thanks.
  12. Second lot arrived today. Chuffed with these as well. Thanks again!
  13. Picked up the first lot of my pre orders autographs from the post office this afternoon and they're great. Really chuffed with them. Can't wait for the 2nd lot to arrive. Matt.
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