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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2023 in all areas

  1. It is of course exceptionally difficult to get some of the ones i want, especially for the two main projects IE "Light at the end" and Lost in time, Especially as a few of them don't really do conventions, and whilst i'm expanding my horizons in cons i'm attending it is of course tricky to be able to always afford things, which is why with the few Doctor who fans i have down at my work place i want to start charging for every convention they want me to get them autographs, even if it was a fiver or tenner here and there it would be great. whats a shame is theres a good number i want from Big Finish Audio like India Fisher who LFCC would never get, and thats a shame because she's one thats a two for "Light at the End", also on that subject with Geffory Beavers he gave one of the most beautiful Signatures on the page with the Masters profile, it was honestly wonderful, plus it was great having a more established actor on "Ambassadors of death" as prior i only had Les Conrad and Nick Hobbs, whilst the former has a large amount of credits he was never more than an extra, and Hobbs whilst known as Aggador, only had a few roles here and there and wouldn't be well known, which is why i'm now kicking myself about not getting Levine on the set as well, Margot Hayhoe would be great for that set, she gets an onscreen reference in that story, so i would maybe get that signed as well. i saw an announcement that the YALC is returning this time in the winter, my guess is they've booked too many guests this con and need to spread it out, maybe winter will make use of more space, i hope they get some Doctor who Writers at least. it safe and sad to say its likely we've seen the final guest announcements for this convention, but i will update this blog permanently instead of creating new ones because thats boring. as it happens i'm hoping that for winter they will get a load of Doctor who guests, or in the year i can get extremely lucky in terms of getting more of who i want even if not Companion or Doctor wise, again top names that come to mind are Milton Johns and Derek Martin as they're a good duo from "The Enemy of the World" and "The Web of Fear" and can both go on Lost in time.
    1 point
  2. Bit of a slow start on the autograph front this year but got a signed copy of Tom Hanks latest book
    1 point
  3. Some questions, we’re just never meant to know the answer to.
    1 point
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